What Is Food Panel Testing?

Food panel testing is used to determine which food allergies and sensitivities you have. A blood sample is drawn and then tested in a lab to see if there is an allergic reaction to the various food allergens in the panel. Several companies provide food panel testing to help customers identify foods that may need to be eliminated from their diet.

Food Panel Testing

    A blood test that doctors typically perform to tests for food allergies that can cause reactions such as rashes, hives and difficulty breathing is the IgE antibody test. There are also several companies that provide tests for food “sensitivities” that measure other types of immune response not related to the IgE antibodies that white blood cells produce. For example, ALCAT Worldwide uses the antigen leukocyte antibody (ALCAT) test, which they claim can detect food sensitivities that contribute to migraines, aches, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders and other conditions. Another company, Sage Med Lab, tests for IgG antibody immune complex formation, which they claim can detect food sensitivities that can contribute to arthritis, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.

Foods Tested

    The amount of potential food allergens tested is extensive. Food panels can include common allergens like nuts, dairy, soy and wheat, as well as less common ones like fruits, vegetables, spices, food additives and food colouring. The number of allergens tested depends on the company. For example, ALCAT tests for either 100, 150 or 200 different food allergens, while Sage Med Lab tests for 132 different allergens.


    Food panel testing from an independent lab can be expensive. For example, ALCAT currently charges $350 for a 100-food panel test and $595 for a 200-food panel test, plus the cost of obtaining a blood sample. Other companies, such as Sage Med Lab, require a referral from a health care professional, and some health insurance providers will cover the cost of testing.

IgE Testing Accuracy

    IgE antibody testing is considered an accurate alternative to the standard allergy test that doctors use, the skin prick test. The skin prick test involves pricking a patient’s skin to expose him to an allergen and therefore may not be safe for patients that have skin conditions or extreme allergic reactions. The IgE antibody test can be used safely on these individuals, although an estimated 10 to 25 percent of patients may have false negative results for foods that they are actually allergic to.

Accuracy of Other Tests

    Not all types of food panel tests are widely accepted in the medical community. For example, both IgG antibody and ALCAT testing were labeled as “inappropriate” allergy tests in a 2010 review article published in "Singapore Medical Journal." Consult with a medical practitioner such as a doctor or allergist/immunologist when selecting food panel testing procedures.

The ALCAT test will identify food sensitivities. With ALCAT, it is possible to diagnose chemical sensitivity, allergy, or intolerance in food. The ALCAT test is a variation, whereby a mixture of blood and food extracts is analyzed in an automated Coulter counter. For almost 25 years, ALCAT testing has been the key to accurate intolerance testing.

Food Allergy Testing article from ehow.
ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is quite common in children and adults. According to several surveys, ADHD may occur in as many an 8-10% of school going children. Experts are not clear about whether children outgrow the symptoms of ADHD. That means that the disorder may be more prevalent among adults than previously believed.

Symptoms of ADHD

In children, the most common symptoms are associated with lack of attention and concentration. They may be hyperactive and might tend to become bored or frustrated easily. Most sufferers act impulsively. The defining feature is that these symptoms interfere with the normal activities of the child. For instance, he might be disruptive in class or she might fail her exams, even though she is bright and intelligent.

Adults who suffer from ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on the work in hand. Organizational skills are lacking. Goal setting may be a problem. They may find it hard to follow instructions and complete projects on time. They may also have problematic relationships and a propensity towards addiction.

There are three major symptoms of ADD:
1.Inattention: The person may feel as if they are moving in a fog. They find it impossible to stay focused and are easily distracted by sounds or sights from the outside. Sorting through information is a tough cookie for these people, and organizational skills are almost nonexistent. Inattention ADD may lead to sufferers losing personal items. They may also live life in a disorganized clutter. They have big issues with time management. The symptoms of predominantly inattentive ADHD are somewhat difficult to identify because the person does not appear abnormal in any way except for the fact that they are slow to respond, lethargic or sluggish.

2.Hyperactivity: These individuals often show very high levels of activity. This may be in the form of physical or verbal hyperactivity. For instance, some children might seem like they are always on the move, as if driven by something. Excessive movement and fidgeting are common. These children try to monopolize conversations and may even give running commentaries of what is going on around them. They may create problems in the school or at work.

3.Impulsivity: These people have trouble controlling their behaviors and responses to external stimuli. They often say things in a hurry and jump into a conversation without understanding what the conversation is about. Since they try to be very fast in everything they do, they are often careless. Their impulsive behaviour may even prompt them to take on risky and dangerous situations without proper thought.

So far, there is no known cure for ADD or ADHD. However, some medications can alleviate symptoms. If treatment is undertaken at the right time, there is no reason why sufferers cannot lead a normal, fulfilling and successful life.

ADD Symptoms - For over 20 years, the ALCAT Test has provided both patients as well as healthcare professionals with a tool to successfully overcome a wide variety of conditions which result from chemical sensitivity and food intolerance.

Learn about the signs and symptoms of adult ADD/ADHD, its effects, and the treatment options at ALCAT.com. The approach ALCAT generally take in treating ADD, or any illness for that matter is threefold. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of ADHD/ADD, make an appointment with one of the experts at ALCAT. Call (954) 426-2304 today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2683762
Weight Loss Management - Are Food Allergies Doing You In?

These days, almost everyone you meet is on a weight management program. Being overweight is a universal problem. More than half the world seems to be battling it. Of course, lifestyle factors contribute to the problem. Fast foods and the lack of exercise are churning out a nation of unhealthy, overweight people. Curiously, even those who are eating healthy and in limited quantities are also unable to keep their weight down.

One of the main reasons for people gaining oodles of weight is intense food cravings. Many of us develop seemingly insurmountable cravings for a particular kind of food. These types of food are high in sugar, salt or fats. Interestingly, these 'comfort' foods have the ability to dump large amounts of sugar into the bloodstream. Some examples include ice reams, pastries, fries etc. Why such foods? Surely, there cannot be so many people who love the same food? Studies show that many people feel the urge to eat these foods because of inherent food sensitivities, which ultimately give rise to metabolic problems that cause them to overeat. This leads to weight gain.

Let us look at a popular example - carbohydrate intolerance.

People who are carbohydrate intolerant are unable to digest carbohydrate and absorb sugars. Thus the carbohydrate entering their body remains unutilized. As a result the body experiences carbohydrate depletion and soon slips into a starvation mode. This is a stage where it clings tightly to existing fat deposits, drastically cuts down on the rate of metabolism and signals ever increasing hunger (so fat deposits can be built). In the end, sufferers end up eating more and their weight increases.

Something similar happens even when you eat other offending foods. Your body reacts by reducing serotonin levels, which in turn triggers the desire to eat carbohydrates. Obviously, when you overindulge in pastas, white bread, potatoes and pastries, you can expect little success in weight loss management.

Unfortunately, even though a very high percentage of people suffer from food cravings related to food intolerance, most people do not recognize the root cause. That is because these symptoms are very subtle. Many reactions occur after a period of one or two days, which makes it difficult to interrelate the cause and symptom. Often, even doctors miss out the correlation. People end up exercising rigorously and yo-yo dieting. All for nothing.

Food sensitivities can affect weight loss management in other ways too. Reaction to different kinds of food can lead to water retention and gastrointestinal problems, which hinder weight loss efforts. Many weight watchers take in supplements as a normal part of the dieting process. However, it is important to verify that the supplements you take in do not contain substances you are allergic or sensitive to. For example, people who are allergic to milk should not take in products that contain whey.

If you are overweight and want to make sure that your weight loss plans actually take off, begin by understanding food sensitivity and food allergies. Avoid offending foods. Weight loss management is a long term effort. Do not expect it to yield results overnight. However, by keeping away from foods that are bad for you, the effort becomes a lot easier. In the end, weight loss happens faster and in a healthier way.

Weight Loss Management - For over 20 years, the ALCAT Test has provided both patients as well as healthcare professionals with a tool to successfully overcome a wide variety of conditions which result from food sensitivity and chemical intolerance.

The ALCAT test method is much healthier when you are trying to lose weight. The ALCAT Diet is a nutritional plan that focuses on avoiding your potential food allergies or sensitivities as opposed to helping you lose weight. ALCAT food sensitivity testing with nutritionist specializing in safe, fast, weight loss, and diet programs.

An article By Tariq Ansar.